2015. From the Real Plan the Brazilian economy is caught in a trap of high interests rates and overvalued currency, but the fiscal and especially the exchange rate populism on the right and on the left impede the solution of the problem. (Lecture)
2015. From the Real Plan the Brazilian economy is caught in a trap of high interests rates and overvalued currency, but the fiscal and especially the exchange rate populism on the right and on the left impede the solution of the problem. (Lecture)
2014. A sociedade brasileira está dividida politicamente entre ricos e pobres. Falta à nação um projeto -- sobra o ódio, que eu nunca havia visto antes, e grande mal-estar. (Revista Interesse Nacional)
2014. Discurso no ato público a favor da reeleição de Dilma.
2014. Manifesto assinado por Bresser-Pereira.
The two logics of the West: "national security" and occupation of the domestic markets of developing countries. A survey of L.A. Moniz Bandeira's book. A segunda guerra fria. (Estudos Avançados)
2014. (Revista Margem Esquerda)
2014-A detailed account of my experience in initiating the 1995 Managerial Reform of the State, and a short analysis of the present stage of the reform. (Entrevista a Leonardo Queiroz Leite)
2014. Prefácio de A Desilusão Americana>, de Luiz Eça.
2014. if economics and economic policies are so complex that public managers and politicians would be unable to have a say on the matter, what democracy do we have?
2014. Resenha do livro de Fabio Konder Comparato, A Civilização Capitalista.
2013. To develop the latecomer countries had to be nationalist and developmental because they faced the imperialism of the first countries that industrialized and became powerful. (Introduction to O Que Esperar do Brasil?)
Ferreira & Fragelli - Bresser - Ferreira & Fragelli (2014). Leia também Câmbio e crescimento, as evidências em ordem, de José Luis Oreiro, Flavio Basilio e Gustavo Souza.
2014. Comparing in one table the structuralist economic theory (or old developmentalism) with new-developmental structuralism - the micro as well as the macroeconomic aspects.
2013. Le chemin vers la démocratie passe par la révolution nationale et industrielle de chaque pays. Portuguese version available
2013. O caminho para a democracia passa pela revolução nacional e industrial de cada país (Política Externa). French version available
2013. Em "O Capital e Suas Metamorfoses", Belluzzo expõe as inúmeras faces do capitalismo. (Resenha: Carta Capital).
2013. Notas sobre o Estado.
2013. Prefácio do livro organizado por André Felipe Zago de Azevedo, Carmem Feijó e Daniel Arruda Coronel.
2013. Prefácio ao livro de Roberto Lavagna.
2013. Evil's banality is among us. Is in Islamic terrorism, in the Iraq war, in the intervention in Syria.(Articles: Folha de S.Paulo)