2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
2023. In this report I identified year a year, since 2001, the formation of the concepts and models of New-Developmental Theory. It is not a paper.
2023. New developmentalism is a theoretical framework that has been developed since the beginning of the century, mainly in Brazil, and is aimed at understanding and offering policies to middle-income countries.
2021. In this report I t the ideas consider historically the basic ideas of new developmentalism and identify the paper in which this idea wa first published. It is a history of the intellectual construction of new developmentalism. (Personal report published only in this site. Last revision: June 2021)
2020. Note defiining the competitive exchange rate or industrial equilibrium - the exchange that makes competitive the companies or investment projects utilizing the best technology. A critique to a paper by José Luis Oreiro, Paulo Gala and Luciano D'Agostini. (Available in this website only).
2020. Short definition of the new-developmental economics. (Published only in this site)
(2020) Yes, it is, because liberals ignore the Dutch disease, recommend growth with "foreign savings", etc. Paper with Carmem Feijó e Eliane Araújo. (To be published in the Handbook on Secular Stagnation)
2020. A retention or tax on the export of commodities will neutralize the Dutch disease and assure to the manufacturing industry equal conditions in the competion with other countries. The tax will not represent a buden to the exporters, because they receive back their money on the form of depreciation of the real. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
2019. This is the best summary of the economics and political economy of New Developmentalism. (Cambridge Journal of Economics)
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. English version available, November 2019.
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. Written to be published in my website. EAESP / FGV, November 2019. Portuguese version available.
2019. Fifteen principles that summarized New Developmentalism. A collective document which counted with the collaboration of several economists and political scientists.
2019. An introduction to New-Developmental Theory or New Developmentalism. How it was born from Classical Developmentalism or Development Macroeconomics and Post-Keynesian Economics. (Paper in BJPE)
2019. An introduction to New-Developmental Theory or New Developmentalism. How it was born from Classical Developmentalism or Development Macroeconomics and Post-Keynesian Economics. (Paper in BJPE)
2019. Economic growth involves increase of real wages. Which are not detemined by the subsistence level of the workers but from their cost of reproduction that increase with the value-added per capita, while the profit rate remains satisfying - enough to lead companies to invest. Paper (Nova Economia)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Revista de Estudos Avançados,USP)
2018. Developmentalism is the twin brother of economic nationalism, as it is the ideology of development geared toward industrialization that assumes a moderate state intervention in the economy and the defense of national interest in a world in which competition between nations is stronger than cooperation. (Paper in Economia e Sociedade; English version also in this site).
2016. Against conventional wisdom, countries that don't incur into current account deficits grow faster, because such deficits correspond to an overvalued currency that encourages consumption and discourages investment. (Paper)
2014. With Nelson Marconi and José Luís Oreiro. Developmental Macroeconomics is a book on development macroeconomics associated with New Developmentalism. In its core are the exchange rate and the current account, instead of the budget deficit and the interest rate. (Book: Routledge) Nas livrarias e em Kindle
2014, with Pedro Rossi. The euro crisis is a internal exchange rate crisis; austerity is a costly and inhuman policy of internal depreciation. (paper, in the Journal of Post Keynesian Economiscs)