2011. The Euro Zone faces a major crisis. It is trated as if it were a fiscal crisis but, actually, is a currency crisis. Meanwhile Brazil faces difficulties, but there is some progress in understanding the role of the exdhange rate. (Conference)
2011. The Euro Zone faces a major crisis. It is trated as if it were a fiscal crisis but, actually, is a currency crisis. Meanwhile Brazil faces difficulties, but there is some progress in understanding the role of the exdhange rate. (Conference)
2012. Intervenção no seminário, "Desenvolvimento e Crise Global: impactos no Brasil e na América Latina", da Rede Desenvolvimentista. (Notas para a intevenção)
2012. Rentier capitalists must be better studied. The forms of profit and the forms of rent. (Note published only in this site)
2012. The export-led x wage-led alternative is false. After the short import substitution phase GDP and exports must grow at the same rate. (Short paper)
2012. Speech in honor of my brother, Sylvio Luiz, in the launching of the scholarship with his name by the Instituto Cultural Lourenço Castanho.
Lenina Pomeranz (2012). Carta sobre artigo "Será Putin tão 'mau' assim?
2011. Antonio Barros de Castro pensava o novo e pensava o Brasil com coragem e amor por seu país. (Article: Rumos).
2010. Public and private adminstration should not be mixed up. They are very different disciplines. (Short article).
2011. (Gestão & Políticas Públicas).
2012. The Brazilian entrepreneur rejects the dependency claim that a national bourgeoisie cannot exist in Brazil, while for the dependency's intellectuals, only them think properly; the elites as well as the people think poorly. (Article: only in this website).
2011. Em 2012, teremos um novo curso de Graduação em Administração Pública na FGV-EAESP. Desde 1970 a EAESP vem contribuindo com a preparação de gerações de profissionais sintonizados com as transformações do Estado e com os desafios contemporâneos da Gestão Pública.
In Nassuno, Marianne, Burocracia e Participação: a gestão no orçamento de Porto Alegre, Vinhedo, Editora Horizonte, 2011.
2011. A summary of Brazil's development. Why it became backward. How it eventually made its national and capitalist revolution and turned a middle income country. (Article in book edited by André Botelho and Lilia Moritz Schwarcz).
2011. O 'milagre alemão' e o desenvolvimento do Brasil (1949-2011)
2011. A second essay on the consequences of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on the US - now ten years on. (Social Science Research Council website).
2011. A short account on how a new national development strategy (new developmentalism) and on the theory behind (structuralist development macroeconomics) were developed since the early 2000s. (Short essay)
2011. The 1959 Cuban Revolution was a nationalist and a socialist revolution. In both cases it was only partially successful. (Article: Estudos Avançados).
2011. Prefácio ao livro de José Jobson do Nascimento Arruda.
2011. Yes, the state is able to reform itself. Actually, it is doing this permanently. (Desigualdade & Diversidade,Revista de Ciências Sociais da PUC-Rio)
2011. The Arab peoples finally revolt. Pre-industrial countries, they fight for democracy and economic opportunity in countries dominanted by the "Ocident" - a classical eupheminism for the industrial empires the dominated the Near Orient since the 19th century. (Política Democrática)