2021. The tittle says everything. This essay may also be an introduction to economic development and Latin America. Texto para Discussão EESP/FGV 554.
2021. The tittle says everything. This essay may also be an introduction to economic development and Latin America. Texto para Discussão EESP/FGV 554.
2021. The liberal policy regime is incompatible with growth in Latin America. (Paper with Carmem Feijó and Eliane de Araújo to be published in Oxford Handbook on Secular Stagnation).
Working paper EESP/FGV 541, February 2021.
2020. Webinar "Post Covid Socio-Economic Models", Sep 25. 2020
2019. Latin America was not bcaught in the 'middle-income trap" but into the "1980s' liberalization trap", while East Asia overcome its middle-income condition and are today rich countries, or, in the case of China, heading to become so. (paper)
26.11.2016. Fidel Castro was the great leader of the only socialist revolution in Latin America, but instead of socialism Cuba changed into an authoritarian but egalitarian statism.
2015. Participación en mesa redonda (slide presentation).
2012, with Daniela Theuer. Improved version of Um Estado novo-desenvolvimentista na América Latina?. Published also in French Amérique Latine : après les années néolibérales, l'État développementiste est-il de retour?
2012, com Daniela Theuer. After the failure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Recherches Internationales). English and improved version available.
2012, with Daniela Theuer. After the faillure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Economia e Sociedade) English and improved version available. Published also in French.
2011. My more complete paper on new developmentalism. In José Antonio Ocampo and Jaime Ros, eds. Handbook of Latin America Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Paper). Portuguese version available.
2011. New developmentalism is an alternative strategy to conventional orthodoxy and to old national developmentalism. It argues for the neutralization of the tendency of the exchange rate to appreciate and for fiscal responsibility.(Paper in the book in hommage to Maria Conceição Tavares)
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibility of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. Published in English in Latin American Perspectives 178, vol. 38 (3) May 2011Portuguese and French versions available. (Paper: Latin American Perspectives).
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde).
2009. A consolidated democracy requires a capable state, a strong nation and an active civil society. The quality of democracy must be improved but it is a mistake to o include in the concept of democracy more than its minimum, procedural, requirements. (Paper)
2008. In globalization national autonomy became more strategic. The meetings of the regions chiefs of state without the the presence of major foreign powers is welcome. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2008. The new nationalist leaders in Latin America face major obstacles. It is more difficult to govern poor than middle income countries. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2007. Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Passages de Paris).
2007.Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washingtons conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. Slightly improved version in relation to "New developmentalism and conventional orthodoxy". (Paper in the book Keynes for the Twentieth Century)
2007. Mexico and Brazil are good examples of what represents dependence, international subordination, in the competitive times of globalization. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, 18.6).
2007. Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington's conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. Updated and improved version of "Novo desenvolvimentismo e ortodoxia convencional". (Paper in book edited by Bresser-Pereira)