2011. In the case of economics the Qualis system of evaluation of academic journals of CAPES is a model of cultural colonialism. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2011. In the case of economics the Qualis system of evaluation of academic journals of CAPES is a model of cultural colonialism. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2005. The policy of the Brazilian government on graduate studies is rather concerned with the quantity than with the quality of PhDs. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2004. The state public universities face a legitimation crisis. Only a reform making them more efficient and less costly to the state will solve this problem. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2001. The "fundações de apoio" existing in each public university are a symptom that these state organizations should be transformed into social organizations. (Folha de S.Paulo,17.11.01).
2000. Universities should be public non-state organizations able to accomplish their educational and research objectives. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
1997. Eduardo da Silva Pereira. Proposição de modelos alternativos de organização das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) propostos pelo Ministério da Administração e Reforma do Estado (MARE). (Paper Revista do Serviço Público).
1995. Ao iniciar um processo de avaliação objetiva da qualidade dos cursos superiores o governo FHC promove uma reforma tão simples quanto extraordinárias das universidades brasileiras: começa a transformá-las em universidades competitivas.
1991. Master programs in Brazil are would be PhD programs: just underdeveloped. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
1980. Short essay showing how the students of the more important business school in Brazil received a progressive education. (Revista Senhor).
1968. Analisys of the expansion of business schools, its role in the industrialization of Brazil, and the problem of low quality teaching. A comparison with the American system. (Short article published just in this website).
1967. Norms of probably the fist 'mestrado' in Brazil. Title of 'Mestre' was given to the students of the CPG (Graduate Course in Business Admninistration) which made an exam and presented a dissertation (Article 19).