This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. English version available, November 2019.
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. English version available, November 2019.
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. Written to be published in my website. EAESP / FGV, November 2019. Portuguese version available.
2019. Fifteen principles that summarized New Developmentalism. A collective document which counted with the collaboration of several economists and political scientists.
(2019) A simple way of neutralizing the Dutch disease in relation to the domestic market is to set a variable import tariff on manufactured goods. Variable according to the price os the commodities that originate the disease. (Op-column in Valor)
2019. Survey of book by Yascha Mounk. Liberal democracy is in crisis. It could not be otherwise because neoliberals see it as the ideal form of society. (Article in Quatro Cinco Um-Revista dos Livros)
2018. Resenha do livro de Steven Levitsky e Daniel Ziblatt.
2018. Prefácio ao livro em homenagem a Fernando Cardim de Carvalho.
2018. Opções para a retomada do desenvolvimento no novo governo.
2018. My possible contributions to economics and the respective books or papers. (Guide to my work)
2018. Artigo original de Marcos Lisboa na Folha de S. Paulo sobre a taxa de câmbio,
a crítica de Bresser-Pereira, e a resposta de Marcos Lisboa - os três artigos publicados na
Folha. Deixo ao leitor o julgamento.
2018. Resenha de Instituições, mudança institucional e desempenho econômico, de Douglass North.
2018. A synthesis of New Developmentalism in a few pages. (Cap.3 Em Busca do Desenvolvimento Perdido)
2018. Survey of the recent debate on the secular stagnation of capitalism, in special, Robert J. Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
2.1.2018 - Reasons why economic liberalism is unable to promote growth and catching up in developing countries. (Note in the Facebook)
27.12.2017. Why since 2013 we saw political hate in Brazil? I believe that the structural explanation for that. The white Brazilian elites always despised the negro or mestiça lower classes. Suddenly a politician originated from the excluded class, Lula, identified himself self with it, while his political party got involved in corruption. This was sufficient to the insecure middle-class developed hate - a sentment that is incompatible with democracy. (Note in the Facebook)
2017. A short (4.000 words) summary of new developmentalism - a new theoretical framework for allow middle-income countries to grow again. (DOC Research Institute website) (Available in Portuguese)
2017. The great majority of liberal economists mean no harm by promoting fiscal adjustment alone.
2017. Liberal economists don't discuss the exchange rate, because its devaluation hurts rentiers and financiers that they represent. (Valor).