2006. Either PT or PSDB have an answer on how to face and overcome the Brazilian economy's 26 years old quasi-stagnation because they lost the idea of nation. (Interview to Rodrigo de Almeida: Jornal do Brasil).
2006. Either PT or PSDB have an answer on how to face and overcome the Brazilian economy's 26 years old quasi-stagnation because they lost the idea of nation. (Interview to Rodrigo de Almeida: Jornal do Brasil).
2006. Intervention in Brasilia conference in honor of Celso Furtado. This note reproduces part of the paper "Método e paixão em Celso Furtado". (Note: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento )
2006. Note on thruth asserting that the ability to achieve thruth depends on the complexity of the objects that are studied. (Note: prepared to students)
2006. In order to become again a real nation Brazil needs a encompassing national agreement, where the association between businessmen and the state bureaucracy is key. (Note in , Economia Brasileira na Encruzilhada)
2006. After a major favorable external chock that doubled its exports in five years, the Brazilian economy faces a major opportunity to resumed sustained economic growht. (Preface to Economia Brasileira na Encruzilhada, 2006)
2006. Classification of the forms of power in society (traditional, rational-bureaucratic, rational-democratic) in the state (absolute, liberal, democratic) in the state organization (patrimonial, bureaucratic, managerial) (Examination of PHD dissertation by Marianne Nassuno - only published in this site)
2006. Today we have global disgovernance rather than disgovernance given the high and persistent current account deficits in the US economy. (Conjuntura Econômica)
2006. The 1995 Public Management Reform is advancing in the federal states. (Preface to the book Avanços e Perspectivas da Gestão Pública nos Estados, Consad)
2006. Writing a book on entrepreneurial agriculture, Antonio José de Oliveira Costa understood the risk that the Dutch Disease represents to farmers. (Preface to Agricultura Empresarial)
2006. Colloque "Quel modele de croissance pour la France? La Leçon des expériences étrangères".
2006. (Letter). Leia também o artigo de Roberto Giannetti a que me refiro nesta carta.
2006. The complex relations between the long cycles and the dualities of the Brazilian society. (Note just published in this site)
2006. Letter to Maria Rita Loureiro on EAESP crisis caused by the dismissal of 17 professors.
2005. The vigour of the movements of national liberation. Essay based on Gillo Pontecorvo's classical film, "La Bataglia di Algeri". (Article: Valor, Eu & Fim de Semana)
2005. Tony Lawson is making an important contribution to economic methodology with his ontological approach, and also because he sees that mainstream economics is essentially characterized by the method it uses - a mathematical-deductive method. (Comments to Tony Lawson's paper, "The nature of heterodox economics" just published here).
2005. The Brazilian economic system's inner logic is not economic growth but providing high interest rates for local and foreign rentiers. (Note: Conjuntura Econômica)*.
2005. Despite the the huge foreign accounts adjustment (1999-03) growth prospects for the Brazilian economy are dismal, given the high intest rate.(Note: Boletim de Conjuntura Economia & Tecnologia)*.
2005. Celso Furtado's economic theory. Updates (and shortens) a previous paper, "Método e paixão em Celso Furtado". (RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas)
2005. Note to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, of the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), of the United Nations. New York, April 6, 2005.
2005. Note to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, of the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), of the United Nations. New York, April 6, 2005