2024. Bacha quer abrir mais uma porta já escancarada quando afirma que a indústria continua gostosamente protegida. (Valor)
2024. Bacha quer abrir mais uma porta já escancarada quando afirma que a indústria continua gostosamente protegida. (Valor)
2022. A second argument for import tariffs. (Brief text)
2020. A retention or tax on the export of commodities will neutralize the Dutch disease and assure to the manufacturing industry equal conditions in the competion with other countries. The tax will not represent a buden to the exporters, because they receive back their money on the form of depreciation of the real. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
(2019) A simple way of neutralizing the Dutch disease in relation to the domestic market is to set a variable import tariff on manufactured goods. Variable according to the price os the commodities that originate the disease. (Op-column in Valor)
2018. A retention or tax on the export of commodities will neutralize the Dutch disease and assure to the manufacturing industry equal conditions in the competion with other countries. The tax will not represent a buden to the exporters, because they receive back their money on the form of depreciation of the real. (Working Paper EESP/FGV 476)
2018. Given the Dutch disease, we should not make the trade agreement with the European Union but use import tariffs to neutralize the disease. (Folha de s.Paulo).
2017. The Dutch disease is an economic problem that a simple economic policy may resolve, while the natural resource curse is a political-cultural problem very difficult to resolve. Paper presented in St. Petersburg.
2015. The Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant since 1990 trade-liberalization, when trade liberalization dismantled the mechanism that neutralized the Dutch disease and the ensuing competitive disadvantage started up deindustrialization. Updated English version available. (Paper in book edited by Nelson Barbosa et al.)
2014. With Nelson Marconi and José Luís Oreiro. Developmental Macroeconomics is a book on development macroeconomics associated with New Developmentalism. In its core are the exchange rate and the current account, instead of the budget deficit and the interest rate. (Book: Routledge) Nas livrarias e em Kindle
2013. A revised version of my 2008 paper on the Dutch disease in which I distinguish the value from the market price of the exchange rate. (Paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2013. A sobreapreciação cambial desestimula os investimentos e desindustrializa gradualmente o país.
2010. O Brasil sofre de doença holandesa, que provoca a desindustrialização da economia. Nosso desafio é neutralizar a sobreapreciação do câmbio (Entrevista a Raquel Landim).
2010. Os economistas deverão abandonar o pressuposto de que o mercado controla bem as taxas de câmbio. (Articles: Valor)
2010. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Cambridge University Press).In the bookstores and in kindle
2010. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Siglo XXI). Avaliable here in pdf format.
2010. Livro que contém os trabalhos apresentados no 4o. Fórum de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas.
2010. The Brazilian economy is undergoing deindustrialization due to a chronic overvaluation of the real. The structural development macroeconomics that I have been developing since the early 2000s explains why. (Cadernos FGV Projetos)
2009. Uma doença holandesa moderada e a consequente desindustrialização são evidente. Nega-se o fato porque no momento em que isto for reconhecido não restará alternativa senão mudar a política cambial. Valor Econômico, 25.11.2009
2009. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Elsevier).Disponível nas livrarias
2008. A country suffering from the Dutch disease has two "equilibrium" exchange rates: the "current equilibrium" that is inconsistent with economic growth, and the"industrial equilibrium" that will be achieved if the country is able to neutralize the disease. (Paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)