2024. Bresser-Pereira, nearing 90 years old, tries to define himself in three pages. em A Terra é Redonda.
2024. Bresser-Pereira, nearing 90 years old, tries to define himself in three pages. em A Terra é Redonda.
2023. In this report I identified year a year, since 2001, the formation of the concepts and models of New-Developmental Theory. It is not a paper.
2021. In this report I t the ideas consider historically the basic ideas of new developmentalism and identify the paper in which this idea wa first published. It is a history of the intellectual construction of new developmentalism. (Personal report published only in this site. Last revision: June 2021)
2019. List of Bresser-Pereira's theoretical contributions and respective papers or books. .
2015. Interdisciplinarity is for me the natural way of thinking. (small essay, Conversas Interdisciplinares, ANPOCS)
2014. Bresser-Pereira defende a tolerância cultivada pelos iluministas e tripudiada no atual cenário político brasileiro. (Entrevista a Luiza Villaméa, Brasileiros, Novembro).
2014. Interview to Cynara Menezes. A summing up of my political and intellectual trajectory, a critique of the FHC and Lula administrations, and a draft of theory that I have been developing since 2001 on New Developmentalism. (Blog Socialista Morena em Carta Capital)
2014-A detailed account of my experience in initiating the 1995 Managerial Reform of the State, and a short analysis of the present stage of the reform. (Entrevista a Leonardo Queiroz Leite)
2012. Speech in honor of my brother, Sylvio Luiz, in the launching of the scholarship with his name by the Instituto Cultural Lourenço Castanho.
Marcio Moreira Alves (2004) "Testimony of a friend". Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
Evelyn Levy (2004) "Professor Bresser". Testimony of student and friend. Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
2011. Em 2012, teremos um novo curso de Graduação em Administração Pública na FGV-EAESP. Desde 1970 a EAESP vem contribuindo com a preparação de gerações de profissionais sintonizados com as transformações do Estado e com os desafios contemporâneos da Gestão Pública.
2011. A short account on how a new national development strategy (new developmentalism) and on the theory behind (structuralist development macroeconomics) were developed since the early 2000s. (Short essay)
2011. Long interview on Bresser-Pereiras history and work, where he reafirms his economic nationalism and his social-democratic or center-to-the-left political allegiancies. (Interview of Maria Ines Nassif in Valor, 8/4/2011).
2017. A guide to the ones who may be interested in a general vision of the work of Bresser-Pereira.
2008. Exposição no seminário Desenvolvimento econômico: crescimento com distribuição de renda em comemoração aos 200 anos do Ministério da Fazenda, ESAF, Brasília, 8, 9 e 10 de setembro de 2008 publicado no livro 200 anos - Ministério da Fazenda: Os Ministros - Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2010. pp. 47-58.
2009. The history of the discovery of inertial inflation. The role played by the São Paulo (FGV) and the Rio (PUC) groups. (Paper: Revista de Economia Contemporânea)
2010. The Brazilian 1995 Public Management Reform continues to advance in Brazil. Here is a short memoir of the first four years. (Paper in edited book).
2008. The 1995 Public Management Reform contributed to make the SUS (the universal health care system) more efficient and politically more legitimate. (Paper in book edited by Fátima Bayma de Oliveira)
1989.The 1987 negotiation of the foreign debt was guided by a question ("is the payment of interests consistent with the economic growth of Brazil?"), and by the idea of securityzing the debt with a discount. English version available. (Note in my edited book Dívida Externa: Crise e Soluções)