1989. Third world debt is so high that only its securitization with a discount in the line proposed in 1987 by me as finance minister of Brazil will solve the problem.
1989. Third world debt is so high that only its securitization with a discount in the line proposed in 1987 by me as finance minister of Brazil will solve the problem.
1989. Testimony to the US House of Representatives, Washington, January 1989 *
1988. Postface à le livre de Pierre Salama, Dollarisation e Desindustrialization: les Effet Pervers des Politiques dAjustement.
1988. A testimony to IUPERJ (Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos) on the authors experience as Finance Minister of Brazil. Available in French, and also an extended and revised version.(Discussion paper, IUPERJ)
1989.The 1987 negotiation of the foreign debt was guided by a question ("is the payment of interests consistent with the economic growth of Brazil?"), and by the idea of securityzing the debt with a discount. English version available. (Note in my edited book Dívida Externa: Crise e Soluções)
1988. The 1987 negotiation of the foreign debt was guided by a question ("is the payment of interest consistent with the economic growth of Brazil?"), and by the idea of securitizing the debt with a discount. Portuguese version available. (Note: LASA Forum)
1988. The two basic questions on the foreign debt are, first, if Brazil has the possibility of fully honoring it without major economic losses (it has not); second, who is supposed to have the initiative (it is Brazil, we cannot wait on creditors). (Note: Economia em Perspectiva)
1988. Between 1930 and 1980 the state was an instrument of growth, but since then, it became an obstacle. (Note in edited book)
1988. Conferência em seminário sobre a intregração Brasil-Argentina patrocinado pela Faculdade Latino Americana de Ciências Sociais (Flacso), Buenos Aires, 20 e 21 de outubro de 1988.
1988. Creditor countries are beginning to realize that a initiative involving debt reduction is necessary, but they seem paralyzed. Debtor countries must also participate from a concerted solution. (Introduction to non-published book)
1987. December. Resignation letter from the Ministry.
Pronunciamento na Reunião do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico. Junho 1987.
1989 Revista de Economia Política *
1987. Preface to book by Cláudia Fuser.
1987. Review to book by Francisco de Oliveira. SPaulo: Brasiliense, 1987.
Depoimento para a Comissão Teotônio Vilela (1986).
1986. Conferência pronunciada no Seminário "Efeitos do plano de estabilização econômica do governo sobre o ensino e a prática da administração".
1985. The tax burden say what type state a nation has. in Brazil it is low in comparison with rich countries. It must be increased to finance the required social expenditures. (Lecture in Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de S.Paulo)
1985. After the populist pact (1930s-50s) and the technobureaucratic-capitalist pact (1960s-70s), a liberal-popular pact is emerging with democracy. (Note [7 pages]: Jornal da Tarde)*