1994. Neoliberal triumphalism is dead. Democratic consolidation in Latin America and Eastern Europe will not be achieved by dismantling the state organization, but by rebuilding it. (Article in </>"Folha de S. Paulo"),
1994. Neoliberal triumphalism is dead. Democratic consolidation in Latin America and Eastern Europe will not be achieved by dismantling the state organization, but by rebuilding it. (Article in </>"Folha de S. Paulo"),
1993. Robert Kurz wrongly predicts capitalisms colapse, not understanding that what we have is just a crisis of the state. (Review of Robert Kurz, O Colapso da Modernização, in Novos Estudos Cebrap)
1993. Economic heterodoxy should not be confused with economic populism. The Bresser-Plan was both heterodox and orthodox. (Conjuntura Econômica")
1992. When the costs involved in a given economic policy become excessive, the decision not to adopt the policy is rational rather than political. Reforms that are inefficient are irrational. (Note: Harvard International Review)
1992. Preface to book by Vera Thorstensen on the European Union.
1991. Brazil should consider President Bush's proposal of an American economic integraton. (Paper: Novos Estudos Cebrap).
1991. The Collor administration is approaching the debt crisis in a correct way under the direction of Zelia Cardoso and the ambassador Jorio Dauster. The solution requires a reduction of the debt. (Testimony to the Commission of Finance of the Brazilian Senate).
1991. Depoimento perante a Comissão de Finanças do Senado. Brasília, 7 de maio de 1991.
1992. Debate com Celso Furtado no Instituto de Estudos Avançados da USP, sobre o Relatório da Comissão "Desafio ao Sul".
1991. Resenha sobre o livro de Barbosa Lima Sobrinho (Revista de Economia Política 12(2), abril 1992).
1992 - Preface to book by Fernando Nogueira da Costa.
1990. Brazil is since 1989 in the situation of default. Given that the Brady Plan offers just a small reduction in the debt, and the market discount is 30%, some unilateral initiative from Brazil is required. (Note: Folha de S.Paulo)
1990. As early as April I said that the Plano Collor failed to control high inflation, despite its strong fiscal and monetary adjustment. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, 27/5)
1991. A positive assessment of the Collor Plan 60 days after it was anounced. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Economia)
1990. After the 1980s major crisis and the exhaustion of the national developmentalist strategy Brazil needs a new international strategy based on a political (not an economic) alliance with United States while protecting our national economic interests. (Published notes for two Paris conferences).
1991. Review to book by José Márcio Camargo e Carlos Alberto Ramos. Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 1990.
1989. Debate no programa "Vamos Sair da Crise" da TV Gazeta de São Paulo e da TV Capital de Brasília. em 1989, às vésperas da primeira eleição presidencial após 29 anos.
1989. Review to book by Scott Mainwaring.
1989. A testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil. I receive the finance ministry when the Great Debt Crisis of the 1980s reaches its peak with the failure of the Cruzado Plan. The emergence "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Available in Portuguese, and in an extended version. (Published in Problèmes d'Amérique Latine)