1995. The major challenge that Latin American intellectuals face is to reform and rebuild the state of their countries. (Short testimony to the survey "Latin America - The Social Scientists View", Nueva Sociedad)
1995. The major challenge that Latin American intellectuals face is to reform and rebuild the state of their countries. (Short testimony to the survey "Latin America - The Social Scientists View", Nueva Sociedad)
1995. My first article proposing an adapted version of the purchaser-provider split model to reorganize the SUS. Eventually it resulted into Nob (Norma Operacional Básica) 96 that reorganized SUS (Brazilian universal health-care system) according to a managerial approach. (Lecture in CLAD meeting in Buenos Aires in Ju).
1995 - Prefácio to the Brazilian edition of book by Bresser-Pereira, Maravall and Przeworski.
1994. An homage to Ignacio Rangel in the year of his deth. (Anpec, Salvador)
1994. There are three models of capitalism: the American, the Japanese, and the European or social democratic. The choice criterium is efficiency - what will lead Latin American to choose a combination of the social-democratic and the Japanese (developmental) model. As to democracy, it is a end in itself or a means to freedom and peace, not to economic development. Thus, trade-offs between growth and democracy should not be considered. (Published only in this website)
1994. Fernando Henrique Cardoso is not a neo-liberal; the Real Plan involves a major center-left political agreement. The objective is to strength the state. (Note: Monitor Público)
1994. Brazil achieved price stability. Now, in order to grow, it has to define a policy of competitive insertion in the interantional setting, while, domestically, promotes income distribution. (Note: Folha de S.Paulo)
1994. Depoimento em homenagem a Oswaldo Aranha.
1994. The logic and the intellectual background of the Plano Real, and a collection of articles published in the press between May 1993 and June 1994 on the successful stabilization plan. (Note: Revista de Economia Política) *
1994. Discurso em homenagem aos professores da EAESP/FGV que se aposentaram em 1994.
1994 - Preface to book by Carlos Longo.
1994 - Preface to the Brazilian edition of book by Ben Ross Schneider.
1994. An original analysis of the democratic discourse in Brazil. (Preface to Danielle Forgets Conquistas e Resistências do Poder (1964-1984): A Emergência do Discurso Democrático no Brasil.
1994 - In the global system some agreements are strategic. From the research that this book summarizes one can derive the conclusion that would be beneficial to Brazil to get more closely associated to the US. ( Preface to book by Vera Thorstensen, Yoshiaki Nakano, Camila Faria Lima and Cláudio Seiji Sato)
1994 - Preface to book by Gilda Portugal Gouvea.
1994. Integration based on the Atlantic: with the United States, or with Europe. (Article: Carta Internacional)
1993. A socio-economic and a political-economic vicious circle hinds Brazils development. The weak points which should be attacked are education and inertial inflation. (Note in Vellosos edited book [10 p])*
1994. Neoliberal triumphalism is dead. Democratic consolidation in Latin America and Eastern Europe will not be achieved by dismantling the state organization, but by rebuilding it. (Article in </>"Folha de S. Paulo"),
1993. Robert Kurz wrongly predicts capitalisms colapse, not understanding that what we have is just a crisis of the state. (Review of Robert Kurz, O Colapso da Modernização, in Novos Estudos Cebrap)