2010. The Dutch disease does not derive from abundant and cheap natural resources, but from the combination of low wages and a high wage dispersion. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
2010. The Dutch disease does not derive from abundant and cheap natural resources, but from the combination of low wages and a high wage dispersion. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
2010. A "doença" não deriva de recursos naturais abundantes e baratos, mas de salários baixos e alta dispersão salarial. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. It's time to celebrate the victory of Obama and the American people with the approval of the reform of the healthcare system. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
(2010) Although it might help, the creation of an European IMF will not solve the problem of the euro zone countries. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. No alternative but to think politics in republican terms of civic virtue and pursuit of the common good. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo
2010. Não temos alternativa senão pensar a política em termos republicanos de virtude cívica e busca do bem comum. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, 22.03.2010)
2010. It is not reasonable to find, among climate change critics, politicians and businessmen whose interests are being threatened by a policy of control of the greenhouse effect. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. Não é razoável que os críticos do clima sejam pessoas cujos interesses são ameaçados por políticas contra o efeito estufa. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. The four articles of my debate with prof. Affonso Celso Pastore on whether or not "foreign savings" (current account deficits) contribute to investment and growth.
2010. O mundo tem problemas muito mais graves do que a eventual entrada do Irã no clube das potências nucleares. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. El mundo tiene problemas mucho más graves que la eventual entrada de Irán al club de las potencias nucleares.
2010. Critque of prof. Affonso C. Pastore view that foreign savings cause growth. (Article: O Estado de S.Paulo)
2010. The world has much more serious problems to deal with than the fact of Iran possibly joining the club of nuclear powers. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
2010. Prof. Affonso A. Pastore and other competent orthodox economists still believe that foreign savings cause growth. Actually, they increase consumption and mostly replace domestic savings. (Article O Estado de S.Paulo)
2010. Esse ataque especulativo é mais uma comprovação da necessidade de regulação cerrada de bancos e fundos (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2010. Because they adopt scientific methods as mathematics to justify the laissez faire, the origin of countless crises. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, February 08, 2010)
2010. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: Valor Econômico)
2010. With José Luís Oreiro. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: La Onda digital).
2010. With José Luís Oreiro. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: Valor).
2010. The decision of President Cristina Kirschner is not a decision on monetary policy but a decision on fiscal policy (Article: Folha de S.Paulo