• 01-2021
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1975. The basic characteristics of growth model that prevailed during the military regime: the technobureaucratic-capitalist model of industrialized underdevelopment. In macroeconomic terms it was based on the supply side on the production of luxury goods, on the demand side, on concentration of income from the middle-class upwards. French version available(Estudos Cebrap)

1975. The basic characteristics of growth model that prevailed during the military regime: the technobureaucratic-capitalist model of industrialized underdevelopment. In macroeconomic terms, on the supply side, it was based on the production of luxury goods; on the demand side, on the concentration of income from the middle-class upwards. Portuguese version available.

1974. The "new development model" begins in Brazil in the late 1960s, and later I called "modelo de subdesenvolvimento industrializado". Contrarily to what Celso Furtado predicted, income concetration benefiting the middle classes was behind the resumption of growth as it made aggregate demand consistent with the production of luxury consumption goods by multinationals. Portuguese and English versions available. This paper elaborates on the 1970 article, "Dividir ou multiplicar: A distribuição da renda e a recuperação da economia brasileira".(Paper: Revista Dados)
(Paper: Desarrollo Economico)

1973. The "new development model" begins in Brazil in the late 1960s, and later I called "modelo de subdesenvolvimento industrializado". Contrarily to what Celso Furtado predicted, income concetration benefiting the middle classes was behind the resumption of growth as it made aggregate demand consistent with the production of luxury consumption goods by multinationals. Spanish and English versions available. This paper elaborates on the 1970 article, "Dividir ou multiplicar: A distribuição da renda e a recuperação da economia brasileira". (Paper: Revista Dados)

1970. It corresponds to "Dividir ou multiplicar?" (1970). It claims that the Brazilian "economic miracle" (1968-1973) signaled a new, export oriented, model of development that made consistent aggregate demand and supply of luxury goods by concentrating income from the middle class upwards. (Chapter 7 of Development and Crisis in Brazil: 1930-1983)