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1988. The country will only be able to resume growth if it combines fiscal adjustment with a substantial reduction of the the foreign debt, which should be unilateral, given the lack of dispostion of creditor to negotiate the securitization that I previously proposed. Versão inglesa ligeiramente reduzida em Christine Bogdanowicz-Bindert, org., Solving the Global Debt Crisis, New York: Harper & Row, 1989, com o título "A Debtor's Approach to the Debt Crisis" . (Paper in my edited book Dívida Externa: Crise e Soluções)

1987. Interest expenditures and real state expenditures have different consequences on aggregate demand. Thus a contry may have a public deficit whose origin are the interests paid consistent with insufficient demand and unemployment. This was what occurred in the Brazilian economy in 1985. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)*

1986. Paper written a four months after the Cruzado Plan was lauched to control inertial inflation. The two main dangers the plan was facing were relative prices desiquilibria left by the plan and an increasing budget deficit. "Inflação inercial e choque heterodoxo in Brazil" written with Y.Nakano is a similar work. English version available.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política)

1987. Paper written a four months after the Cruzado Plan was lauched to control inertial inflation. The two main dangers the plan was facing were relative prices desiquilibria left by the plan and an increasing budget deficit. Portuguese version available.(Paper: World Development)

1986. Paper written a four months after the Cruzado Plan was lauched to control inertial inflation. The two main dangers the plan was facing were relative prices desiquilibria left by the plan and an increasing budget deficit. (Paper in book edited by José Marcio Rego)

1985 {1986}. The Entrepreneurial or Producer State was essential to Latin Americas primitive accumulation and industrialization. Now, in the new stage that the more advanced Latin American countries are entering, it is time for the the Regulatory and the Social State. Yet, this transition is taking place together with the transition to democracy, a major debt crisis, and a neo-liberal ideological ofensive. Portuguese version available. (Paper: in book edited by Atilio Boron)*

1986. Conferência pronunciada no Seminário "Efeitos do plano de estabilização econômica do governo sobre o ensino e a prática da administração".

1985. The transition from the Entrepreneurial to the Regulatory State in Latin America is taking place in the middle of a financial (debt) crisis, the advancement of neo-liberal ideology, and the transition to democracy, after the state completed its role of promoting primitive accumulation. Spanish version available. (Paper in book edited by Atilio Boron Portuguese version just published here)

1985. The tax burden say what type state a nation has. in Brazil it is low in comparison with rich countries. It must be increased to finance the required social expenditures. (Lecture in Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Estado de S.Paulo)

1985. Articles on the Brazilian economy and the foreign debt published in the newspapers between 1978 and 1985. (Book: Editora Gazeta Mercantil) Available in this website in pdf format.