2007, 2o. semestre. Com Nelson Marconi. Curso de pós-graduação em economia na Escola de Economia de São Paulo/Fundação Getulio Vargas - EESP/FGV.
2007, 2o. semestre. Com Nelson Marconi. Curso de pós-graduação em economia na Escola de Economia de São Paulo/Fundação Getulio Vargas - EESP/FGV.
2007, 1st semester. Graduate course in methodology of economics, with Ramón García Fernández and José Marcio Rego, at EESP/FGV. (Syllabus)
2007. Syllabus. Graduate course on globalization, nation and development in Latin America, at the École d Hautes Études en Science Sociales: Paris, 24 January - 14 February.
2006, 2nd semester, with Ana Cristina Braga Martes. Curso de Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração Pública e Governo.
2006. Under graduate course offered at GV Economia with Jorge Oliveira Pires. (1o. semester)
2006. Graduate course on the nation state, the global system and growth, at the École d'Hautes Études en Science Sociales: Paris, February 1st, 8th, 13th and 15th.
2005, 2nd semester. With Fernando Luiz Abrucio. Graduate course on state building, state reform and the reform of the state apparatus at FGV. (Syllabus)
2005, 2nd semester. Graduate course in Development Economics at GV-Economia/FGV. (Syllabus)
2005, 1st semester. Undergraduate course, with José Marcio Rego, on economic and political interpretations of Brazil, at EAESP/FGV. (Syllabus)
2005, 1st semester. Graduate course in methodology of economics, with Ramón García Fernández and José Marcio Rego, at GV-Economia/FGV. (Syllabus)
2005. Graduate course on the nation state, the global system and growth, at the École d'Hautes Études en Science Sociales: Paris, January 26 - February 16. (Syllabus)
2004, 2nd semester. Gruduate course in development economics at GV-Economia/FGV. (Syllabus)
2004, 2nd semester. Graduate course in political regimes and government systems with Maria Rita Loureiro Durand, at EAESP/FGV. (Syllabus)
2004, 1st semester. Graduate course in Brazil's macroeconomics, with Yoshiaki Nakano, at GV-Economia/FGV. (Syllabus)
2004, 1st semester. With José Marcio Rego. Pós-Graduação em Economia de Empresas.
2003, first semester. With José Marcio Rego. Interpretations of Brazil. (Sylabus for undergraduate discipline in EAESP/FGV)
2003, 1st semester. Pós-Graduação em Economia de Empresas.
2003, 1st semester. With Yoshiaki Nakano. Graduate course in Brazil's macroeconomics at GV-Economia/FGV. (Syllabus)
2002, 2nd semester. Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
2002, 1st semester, with Yoshiaki Nakano. Pós-Graduação em Economia, FGV/São Paulo.