1999. MCT's strategic plan, including the sectorial funds. Almost complete version dated of May 30, 1999. A few days later I left the Cardoso administration.
1999. MCT's strategic plan, including the sectorial funds. Almost complete version dated of May 30, 1999. A few days later I left the Cardoso administration.
1999. Testimony on GMOs (genetic modified organisms) at the Comissão de C&T da Câmara dos Deputados. (In MCT's website)
April 1999. Report on the visits to Science and Technology institutions in the United States and United Kingom. (In MCT's website)
1999. The public management reform at MARE was successful. Now, at the Ministry of Science and Technology, I face a new and major challenge. Some basic policies defined. (Article in Folha de S.Paulo, 10.1.1999.
1999. Relatório do Ministro Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira da viagem aos EUA e ao Reino Unido - 20 a 30 de Abril 1999.
1996. Letter to President Fernando Henrique Cardoso analyzing the economic situation, emphasizing that the overvaluation of the real, and recommending its depreciation in order to avoid a financial crisis before reelection. (3.9.1996)
1995. The White Paper defining the principles of the 1995-98 Public Management Reform. (Booklet: MARE)
1995. Spanish version of the White Paper defining the principles of the 1995-98 Public Management Reform. (Booklet: MARE)
1995. English version of the White Paper defining the principles of the 1995-98 Public Management Reform. (Booklet: MARE)
1992. Revised version of the testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil: the major crisis, the "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Non revised version available in French. (In Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais")
1991. A 1990 repetition of a research on the motives to invest of major Brazilian firms originally conducted in 1970. And a comparison between the two results, showing that with the rise of the interest rate, it became more relevant in the decision process. (Research report/NPP/EAESP/FGV).
1991. With Yoshiaki Nakano.
1989. A testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil. I receive the finance ministry when the Great Debt Crisis of the 1980s reaches its peak with the failure of the Cruzado Plan. The emergence "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Available in Portuguese, and in an extended version. (Published in Problèmes d'Amérique Latine)
1988. A testimony to IUPERJ (Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos) on the authors experience as Finance Minister of Brazil. Available in French, and also an extended and revised version.(Discussion paper, IUPERJ)
1988-01-01 00:00:00
1987. Macroeconomic Control Plan.
Paper (1987) Second draft of Brazil's proposal of securitization of the foreign debt of the highly indebted countries, which was rejected by the Secretary of the Treasury, James Baker, in September 1987, but turned into the 1989 Bady Plan which solved the Foreign Debt Crisis.
Pronunciamento na Reunião do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico. Junho 1987.
Depoimento para a Comissão Teotônio Vilela (1986).
1983 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)