2003. Country risk: the ideological and the relevant rates. A comparison with Russia.(Article in Valor Econômico, 26.11.2003).
2003. Country risk: the ideological and the relevant rates. A comparison with Russia.(Article in Valor Econômico, 26.11.2003).
2003 Fear is again defeating hope: Brazilians' diminished aspirations. (Article in Folha de S.Paulo, 9.11.2003)
2003. Government should change Brazil's monetary policy or the country will remain semi-stagnant. (Interview to Valor Econômico, 22.10.2003)
2003. The Central Bank works with a quilibrium real interest rate of 9%. Such self-fulfilling profecy condens Brazil to quasi-stagnation. (Valor Econômico, 10.10.2003)
2003. A homage to the 90th birthday of Valentim dos Santos Diniz.(Valor, 19.9.2003)
2003. Since Lula will not be able to finance social expenditures with increased taxes, or increased public indebtedness, economic growth is his only alternative to maintain popularity. (Folha de S. Paulo, 31.8.2003)
2003. Social conflict in inherent to democracy. (Article, Folha de S.Paulo, 10.8.2003)
2003. Interview to revista Forbes criticizing exchange rate and interest rate policy (28.6.2003).
2003. Interview to Isto É-Dinheiro critizing macroeconomic policy (18.6.2003).
High interest rates are ineffective against a predominantly inertial inflation. (Article in Folha de S.Paulo).
2003. Part of the paper on the Irak War with the same title published in this webpage. (Folha de S.Paulo, Mais!, 25.5.2003)
2003. Bresser-Pereira fala sobre os escândalos financeiros ocorridos nos Estados Unidos e sobre a formação de executivos naquele país e no Brasil (Entrevista de Sérgio Goldbaum e Mário Aquino Alves)
2003. The Second Washington Consensus (growth with foreing savings and open capital account) means macroeconomic instability. (Folha de S.Paulo, 11.5.2003).
2003. An exchange rate informal target is essential. (Interview to O Estado de S.Paulo, 6.5.2003).
2003. Brazilian elites stoped thinking and the country is in a real 'credibility trap'. (Large interview to Jornal do Commercio, 23.3.03)
The remaining confidence crisis still prevents the new administration to change its macroeconomic policy, consistently lowering the basic interest rate (Folha de S.Paulo, 16.2.2003).
2003 One does not have to be populist, nor statist, nor radical to be Left: it is enough to be committed to the poor and to social justice (Fabian Review, vol. 115 (1), Spring 2003).
2003. Although necessary, social security reform will not produce short term results. Changing macroeconomic policy should be government's major priority (Folha de S.Paulo, 26.1.2003).
The new finance minister tends to maintain the present macroeconomic policy. He does not realize that the alternative is not orthodoxy x populism, but the adoption of a competent macroeconomic policy involving moderate interest rates. (Valor Econômico, 26.12.2002).
2002. The Lula administration probably means the rise of third popular political pact in Brazil since 1930. Vargas "national developmentalism"
between 1930 and 1959 and the "Diretas Já" pact between 1977 and 1986 were
the other two popular political coalitions. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).