1998. Cadernos MARE n. 13
1998. Cadernos MARE n. 13
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available.(Paper Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)*
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1997. Discussing PSDB, the paper proposes a definition of what means to be left politically: it means to be able to risk social order in name of social justice. The right always privileges social order. (Paper: Lua Nova)
1997. (Paper: Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas)
1997. A broad view of the public management reform. The role of the state and new forms of accountability (administration by results, managed competition for excelence, and social accountability) are discussed. Portuguese and English versions available. (Paper presented to the Círculo de Montevideo, Barcelona, não publicado em espanhol)
1997. An disguised (because I was part of the Cardoso administration) critique of exchange rate policy adopted by Brazil after the Real Plan. (Paper in Revista de Economia Política). *
1997. With Jairo Abud. The difference between the short term costs of adjusting an economy and the costs of procrastinating adjustment and reform are the net transition costs. In the limit, they determine the moment reform begins. (Paper World Development)*
1997. An analyses of the main features of the current administrative reform in Brazil (Paper: Revista do Serviço Público).
1997. Update of "Seis Interpretações sobre o Brasil" (1982). It was written when the Cardoso administration was beginning. (Paper in book edited by Maria Rita Loureiro) Italian version available.
1997. Updated version of "Seis Interpretações sobre o Brasil" . Portuguese version available
1998. After the 1980s' crisis, the main task in Latin America is to rebuild state capacity. (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)
1996. After the 1980s' crisis, the main task in Latin America is to rebuild state capacity. (Paper in Revista de la CEPAL)
1996. The transition from bureaucratic to public administration in Brazil. It is the first paper where the author presents the state reform model. This model first appeared in his Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, September 1995. English and Spanish versions available.(Paper: Revista do Serviço Público)
1996. The transition from bureaucratic to public administration in Brazil. It is the first paper where the author presents the state reform model. This model first appeared in his Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, September 1995. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper in CLAD: Documentos-Debate)
1996 - Presentation in the Senate, June 1996. A short diagnosis of the Brazilian public administration in 1996, and the proposed managerial reform. (Paper Chapter of Crise Econômica e Reforma do Estado no Brasil)
1996. The transition from bureaucratic to public administration in Brazil. It is the first paper where the author presents the state reform model. This model first appeared in his Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, September 1995. Portuguese and Spanish versions available.(Paper in Bresser-Pereira and Spink edited book)*
1995. (Texto para Discussão ENAP)